Images choices horizontal with a scrolling bar
Add the following Javascript to create a horizontal scrolling container (with a scrolling bar) to display all images on a single line in your form. You can add an HTML field to your form and then put the above script as its content or use a handy free Gravity Forms add-on like Gravity Forms Code Chest.
<script type="text/javascript">
function scrollableImageChoices( formId ) {
var $fields = ( typeof formId !== 'undefined') ? $('#gform_' + formId + ' .image-choices-field') : $('form[id^="gform_"] .image-choices-field');
if (!$fields.length) {
var $field = $(this);
var $fieldsWrap = $field.closest('.gform_fields');
var $scroller = $field.find('.ginput_container');
var $scrolling = $field.find('.ginput_container > .gfield_radio, .ginput_container > .gfield_checkbox');
$field.width( $fieldsWrap.width() );
$scroller.css('overflow-x', 'scroll').css('max-width', $fieldsWrap.width() + 'px');
$scrolling.css('width', '');
var totalWidth = 0;
totalWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true);
$scrolling.width( totalWidth );
var debounce;
$(window).on('resize', function(e){
debounce = setTimeout(scrollableImageChoices, 100);
$(document).bind('gform_post_render', function(e, formId, currentFormPage){
var styles = [
"display: -webkit-box",
"display: -ms-flexbox",
"display: flex",
"-webkit-box-orient: horizontal",
"-webkit-box-direction: normal",
"-ms-flex-direction: row",
"flex-direction: row",
"-webkit-box-align: start",
"-ms-flex-align: start",
"align-items: flex-start",
"-webkit-box-pack: start",
"-ms-flex-pack: start",
"justify-content: flex-start"
$('head').append('<style type="text/css"> .image-choices-field .gfield_radio, .image-choices-field .gfield_checkbox { ' + styles.join("; ") + '; } </style>')
debounce = setTimeout(function(){
scrollableImageChoices( formId );
}, 100);
if (window.gform && window.gform.addAction) {
window.gform.addAction('gform_post_conditional_logic_field_action', function (formId, action, targetId, defaultValues, isInit) {
debounce = setTimeout(function(){
scrollableImageChoices( formId );
}, 100);