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This Javascript filter can be used to override the Image Choices HTML on the front-end form display


Applies to all fields.

gform.addFilter( 'gfic_choice_html', function( html, fieldLabel, priceLabel, selectedPrice, price, formId, fieldId, index ){
    return html;
}, 10, 8);

Applies to all fields in a specific form. In this case, form id 5.

gform.addFilter( 'gfic_choice_html_5', function( html, fieldLabel, priceLabel, selectedPrice, price, formId, fieldId, index ){
    return html;
}, 10, 8);

Applies to specific field and form. In this case, field id 3 in form id 5.

gform.addFilter( 'gfic_choice_html_5_3', function( html, fieldLabel, priceLabel, selectedPrice, price, formId, fieldId, index ){
    return html;
}, 10, 8);

Applies to specific choice, field and form. In this case, the first choice (zero-indexed) for field id 3 in form id 5.

gform.addFilter( 'gfic_choice_html_5_3_0', function( html, fieldLabel, priceLabel, selectedPrice, price, formId, fieldId, index ){
    return html;
}, 10, 8);


  • html String
    Current choice HTML.
  • fieldLabel String
    The option label without the price.
    Note if you’re using the gfic_choice_text filter, it will be the filtered value.
  • priceLabel String
    The price text without the field label.
    Note if you’re using the gfic_choice_price filter, it will be the filtered value.
  • selectedPrice Number
    The price of the currently selected option.
  • price Number
    The price of this option. (The option that this HTML applies to).
  • formId Number
    The current form id.
  • fieldId Number
    The current field id.
  • index Number
    The current option index.


This example adds some additional HTML to the Image Choices on a specific field:

gform.addFilter( 'gfic_choice_html_5_3', function( html, fieldLabel, priceLabel, selectedPrice, price, formId, fieldId, index ){
    return html + '<div class="my-custom-div"><span>NEW</span></div>';
}, 10, 8);


Your code snippet can be placed in a HTML field on your form (within <script></script> tags), or in a theme custom JavaScript file, or you could use the free Gravity Forms Code Chest addon by our friends at GravityWiz.

Source Code

This filter is located in the imageChoices.gform_format_option_label function in js/gf_image_choices.js.