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New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0

New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0. JetSloths Image Choices 1.2.0 addressed a heap of updates and fixes, but more excitingly introduces a new image lightbox feature to allow image enlargement on any of your image choices.

New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0

You can now turn on the lightbox for image choices enabled fields. This will add a zoom/enlarge icon button on image choices in that field, opening a larger version of the image in a lightbox gallery. Select the image size to use for the lightbox in the Image Choices form settings. JetSloth Image Choices 1.2.0 introduces the image lightbox feature.

New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0

Using the Lightbox feature

Thankfully, we’ve made this super simple. Once you’ve got the latest version of Image choices 1.2.0, to activate the lightbox feature, go to the field appearance tab and tick on the checkbox.

New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0

You can control the image size that is output within the lightbox via the Image Choices settings page.

New light-box feature in Image Choices 1.2.0
Select image Lightbox size in settings

Upgrading to Image Choices 1.2

To grab the latest version of Image Choices, currently, the best and easiest way is to log into your JetSloth account and download the latest version.

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Gravity Forms Image Choices

Easily add images as choices for Radio Buttons or Checkboxes fields within Gravity Forms. Includes support for Survey, Quiz, Product and Options.