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Display your image selections in notifications using merge tags

JetSloths Image Choices 1.1.14 has introduced a well-requested feature to include and display image selections into email notifications. With this you can display the image a user selected from your forms, both in admin entries, and all email notifications, be it the default Gravity Forms notification email or your own custom-built HTML email notifications. More details on how to display your image selections in notifications using merge tags

Images in email notifications

Get creative with your email notifications and present your user’s image selections in great-looking custom HTML email notifications. See an example of both image choices in default email notifications and a custom-designed HTML notification.

Display your image selections in notifications using merge tags

Image Choices & merge tags

Images now display in email notifications. When using the {all_fields} merge tag, the display is controlled by the Default Entry Display setting. Continue to display your image selections in notifications using merge tags below.

When using specific field merge tags, add the :image modifier to display the image (eg {Field:1:image}. Default display size is 80px wide. You can also specify a different size by appending an underscore and pixel value. For example {Field:1:image_100px}.

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Gravity Forms Image Choices

Easily add images as choices for Radio Buttons or Checkboxes fields within Gravity Forms. Includes support for Survey, Quiz, Product and Options.